Find resources, support programs and organizations to assist you with settling in PEI.
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Find information on available programs and supports to assist you in relocating to PEI.
Find a Job

Visit our Job Board to browse job listings from our WorkPEI member employers and the PEI government.

Learn how your education, knowledge and experience compare to Canadian standards.
Doing Business in PEI

Business is encouraged in PEI. Find out about programs and services available to help start a business.
Immigrant & Refugee PEI

Providing immigrant settlement services, long-term inclusion and community integration programs.

Providing services to help French-speaking newcomers establish themselves in Prince Edward Island.
PEI Health Card

You need a valid PEI Health Card to receive publicly funded health care services in PEI.
Patient Registry

The Patient Registry connects Islanders to family doctor or nurse practitioner accepting new patients.
Childcare Registry

The PEI Early Learning Child Care Registry helps families find regulated early learning & child care programs.
Home and School

PEI Home & School is the umbrella organization of home and school and parent council organizations.
Public Transit

T3 Transit service provides public bus transportation in Charlottetown and other routes within the province.
Points of Interest

Our mapping tool locates points of interest, like hospitals, police stations, clinics, parks and more.